Chain Games: The Future of Web3 Gaming

The world of gaming is in the midst of a transformation, with the emergence of Web3 gaming taking center stage. This article delves into a pivotal development within the Web3 gaming sphere – the rise of Chain Games

Evolution of Web3 Games

Web3 gaming represents a significant leap forward in the gaming industry. It has not only improved the visual and interactive aspects of games but has also made them more accessible to a broader audience.

These games also boast enhanced gameplay, offering intricate storylines, challenging quests, and more realistic physics. Gamers find themselves engaged at a whole new level, often losing track of time as they explore these virtual worlds.

Additionally, the streamlined onboarding processes of Web3 games make it easier for new players to join in. The barriers to entry are lower, and the learning curve is more gentle, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the magic of gaming.

Fully On-Chain Games

So, what exactly are fully on-chain games, and how are they changing the gaming landscape? In essence, these games utilize blockchain technology for every aspect of their operation, from assets and logic to state, storage, and community ownership.

The key features of fully on-chain games include:

  • Utilizing blockchain for every aspect: Unlike traditional games, which might use blockchain for one or two elements, these games go all-in. Every aspect is powered by blockchain technology, ensuring transparency, security, and decentralization.
  • Assets, logic, state, storage, and community ownership: In fully on-chain games, assets are tokenized and owned by the players. Game logic is encoded on the blockchain, making it tamper-proof.
  • The state of the game is maintained on the blockchain, and the storage is decentralized. Moreover, community ownership means players have a say in the game’s development.
  • Permissionless interoperability and composability: These games offer players the freedom to interact with other blockchain-based applications and assets. You can use your in-game assets in other games and applications, creating a seamless experience.

Challenges of Fully On-Chain Games

While the concept of fully on-chain games is exciting, it’s not without its challenges. Some of the main hurdles include:

  • Speed, scalability, and storage limitations: Blockchain technology, although highly secure, can be slower and less scalable than traditional gaming infrastructure. It’s a challenge to maintain the same level of speed and efficiency.
  • Transaction fees for every action: Every action in a fully on-chain game requires a transaction on the blockchain, which can lead to high fees and inconvenience for players.
  • Poor user experience and onboarding difficulties: Fully on-chain games can be intimidating for new players. The complexities of blockchain technology may deter them from enjoying these games fully.

Web3 Benefits

The benefits of Web3 gaming extend beyond the fully on-chain approach. They include:

  • Digital asset ownership: Players have real ownership of their in-game assets, which can be traded, sold, or used in various virtual environments.
  • Open marketplaces: Web3 games often feature open marketplaces where players can buy, sell, and trade in-game assets with other players. This adds an economic layer to gaming.
  • Interoperability, transparency, scarcity, and community building: These elements create a unique and immersive gaming experience that goes beyond just playing a game.
  • Players can interact with blockchain assets, participate in communities, and ensure transparency in the game’s operations.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) Craze

The concept of play-to-earn has gained significant attention, largely thanks to pioneering games like Axie Infinity and CryptoKitties.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing in the world of P2E. High gas fees and early adoption challenges have been significant obstacles.

Yet, the enduring popularity of these pioneering games demonstrates the potential of the play-to-earn model.

Players can earn real income by participating in these virtual worlds, which is a game-changer for the gaming industry.

Evolution of Fully On-Chain Games

Fully on-chain games might seem like a niche, crypto-centric concept that’s clunky to use. However, they play a crucial role as catalysts for a new gaming industry.

These games are paving the way for a more decentralized and player-centric gaming ecosystem.

Overcoming Onboarding Friction

Recent technical advancements are gradually reducing the barriers for new players. As blockchain technology becomes more user-friendly, onboarding becomes more accessible.

Future improvements will undoubtedly enhance the user experience, making fully on-chain games even more appealing.

Embracing Blockchain for Innovation

Game builders and investors deserve applause for their courage in embracing blockchain technology and experimenting with it.

This experimentation and research and development (R&D) not only benefit individual games but also contribute to the development of all future Web3 games.

The Wisdom of Henry Ford

The famous quote by Henry Ford, “Ask a customer what they want,” emphasizes the importance of visionary thinking. It’s crucial for the gaming industry to embrace change and explore new possibilities, as we’ve seen with Web3 gaming and fully on-chain games.


In conclusion, Web3 gaming is evolving rapidly, and fully on-chain games offer unique possibilities. By embracing blockchain’s potential, the gaming industry is driving future innovation and revolutionizing the way we play.

As we continue on this exciting journey, the gaming world is poised for new horizons and incredible adventures

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